Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

While purchasing new leather shoes, one of the basic concerns which makes your mind busy is the blisters or other problems that may happen and hurt your feet

Aside from blisters, parts that are so sensitive are the heel and toe of your feet

Based on a scientific study, there are numerous bones in your foot and the bone of the heel is the largest one

The majority of people complain about the pain of this bone

The reason is that there is frequent rubbing between your shoes and heel or other parts of your feet

 Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

This consecutive contact and friction make a separation between an upper and lower layers of your skin

the result of this separation would be an interstitial liquid named blister

blisters mostly come out when you are trying a new pair of shoes that don’t fit your feet entirely or it hasn’t softened adequately

Hopefully, there are diverse ways to solve this problem

Another important tip that shouldn’t be forgotten when buying shoes is:

Your shoes should be neither too tight nor too wide

If you feel pressure or tightness in the toe part of your shoes, this shoe is not appropriate for you

If your shoe is tight in the back heel or along your feet, it would get loose after a while when you wear it

But the tightness in the toe part would cause blisters or other injuries

Leather Shoes Blisters

Probably you are the one who has experienced the blisters when wearing new shoes especially if it is leather due to their stiffness

no one can deny that the feet are one of the most important parts of our body and demand huge attention to have superb performance

In the first place, you have to do enough care in order to prevent blisters

Therefore, getting aware of these ways indicates your concern for the health of your feet

Leather Shoes Heel Blister

One way to avoid blister in the back of your heel is to put a band-aid on it till your leather shoes got softened enough

This is one of the oldest and most used ways

 Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

Talc powder is the next choice

One of the usages of Talc powder is to decrease the friction of your feet and shoes

Before putting on new leather shoes, pour some of this powder into them

The only point that should be considered is that your shoes shouldn’t be wet

Otherwise, by adding powder, it will make the dough and dirt your shoes

Another way that works a lot is rubbing soap on the back of the shoes
Soap makes it slippery and prevents foot injuries

Leather Shoes Rubbing Heel

Generally, the source of blisters is wearing too tight shoes

If your leather shoes are very tight, continual rubbing cause injuries in your heel
To loosen tight shoes ice can help

Sometimes new shoes bother you a lot and you can’t change them with one size larger than it, because they would be too loose and don’t fit your feet properly

In this case, try ice

Fill up freezer bags with water and place these bags in a part of the shoe where you feel discomfort

The next step is to put the shoes into the freezer and the fridge

After icing bags, take them out and let them melt
After this process, try on your shoes again and see the result

Leather Shoes Hurt Top of Foot

If you have just bought a pair of leather shoes and you feel that it hurt the top of your feet, use a hair drier

Put on two thick pairs of socks and then wear your shoes

After that turn on the hair drier and hold it on those parts that exert pressure

While warming your shoes, bend your toes, back and forth of your foot

Most times heating enlarges the size of shoes a little bit and provides the ease you require

 Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

Leather Shoes Hurt Back of Ankle

If you feel pressure in the back of your ankle when wearing leather shoes and it hurts your foot, try potato

Peel a large potato and put it in your shoes for 24 hours

After one day try on your shoes and of course, you feel more space, especially in the toe of the shoes

The trick of potatoes is not only to stretch shoes but also to eliminate foot odor

This way is particularly for leather shoes

Leather Shoes Hurt Feet

If you hadn’t softened your leather shoes, it would hurt your feet

Vaseline is the best solution

Why do we claim it? Vaseline is multiple substance and has several usages

Besides softening the leather, it will brighten your shoes and nourish them

Vaseline is so cheap in comparison to other waxes

With this economical wax, revive the shininess and glare of your shoes

Even tight shoes made some injuries to your foot, rub Vaseline on your skin

Leather Shoes Hurting My Toes

Another common way to reduce the pain in the toes of leather shoes that hurt your feet is a band-aid

Tie up the third and fourth toes with a band-aid

 Leather Shoes Heel Rubbing Blister | great price

Buying a medical insole is another option

Emollient creams work as well

Just rub a little of this cream onto your toes or any part of your feet that irritate you

So far, we have introduced different and numerous options for the problems that new leather shoes may cause
It depends on you to choose the one that works the best for you

Leather Shoes Digging into Heel

Like anyone else you might have experienced wearing leather shoes that make you feel like something is digging into your heel

New shoes particularly leather shoes take a short time to get fit completely on your feet and you feel as relaxedness you wish

The feet are considered as one of the most significant organs in our body

Consequently, it is known as the second heart which means you have to take care of it a lot
Any pressure or friction in your feet causes problems like a blister

To avoid it we reviewed some practical ways in order not to endanger the health of this second heart

Our manufacturers are fully aware of the standards of the process of making leather shoes

Therefore, you ensure that it will gratify you

Besides they provide you with adequate information about the ways to prevent foot problems so you will enjoy your purchase

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