Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

Do you struggle to differentiate Saffiano from other trending styles of leather? Then this article is for you
We’ve covered everything you need to know about Saffiano products and their price in this handy guide
An enduring accessory in any luxury store, this type of elite Italian textured leather is known for its durability and elegant cross-hatched finish
This is a premium product that tends to retail at a higher price
In this guide, we’ll start the process by answering the question, “What is Saffiano leather?” Next, we’ll discuss the history, major uses, pros and cons, and production process of this popular type of textured leather

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

To help you keep your Saffiano products looking new for longer, we’ll give you some tips on cleaning and maintaining them
Saffiano is a pressed textured leather in which a special stamping method is used to achieve the desired texture
Essentially, the tanner uses a custom Saffiano die to stamp the unique cross-hatched finish – the product’s most iconic feature
Any type of leather can be under the finish, from vegetable tanned to vegan or PVC and PU
This leather is officially considered “Saffiano” as long as it is printed with a cross-hatched finish, and the manufacturer will proudly stitch this remarkable title onto the label
Saffiano leather is waxed rather than dyed (although it is sometimes dyed and waxed)
Since the cross-hatch finish hides the leather underneath, and any color imaginable can be added to the resin, the dyeing process becomes somewhat redundant
The waxed finish makes Saffiano more durable and creates its characteristic shine
Plus, waxed leather is easy to clean and maintain, making it perfect for everyday use
Although the Saffiano is amazing in many ways, proper, high-quality products don’t come cheap
And even with poor quality skin fractions, the production process is labor intensive and requires expensive machinery
In 1913, a man named Mario Prada (sound familiar?) started the story of Saffiano with the help of his brother Martino

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

The fashion-conscious siblings run a high-end leather goods store in Milan called Fratelli Prada, which sells everything from handbags to accessories and British steamer suitcases
Fratelli Prada quickly earned a good reputation among aristocratic consumers for its exquisite craftsmanship and fine leather goods
Over the years, the pair have noticed a growing demand for luxury accessories from Europe’s globetrotting elite
To make a profit, they set out to develop a new, durable, high-quality leather
The brothers teamed up with one of Milan’s top tanneries to develop a unique pressing method for high-quality processing calfskin
After much experimentation, they succeeded in creating the Saffiano cross-hatch style that is still used today
The brothers launched their first (and patented) Saffiano handbag in 1913
Sleek and durable, this accessory was once popular with European royalty and traveling elites
Saffiano was so successful that in 1919 Prada became the official supplier to the Italian royal family and a global brand
Symbols of the Italian royal coat of arms still appear today in its logo

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

Saffiano leather products

The patent has long expired, so other brands have started creating leather products in the signature Saffiano style
While Prada continues to use premium calf leather, many competitors make cheaper products using more affordable alternatives such as PVC Saffiano or vegan leather
Today, it’s more a question of looks than materials or methods used
Strong, durable, and beautifully lustrous, Saffiano is the perfect choice for high-end leather accessories
Its tough, hard-wearing composition makes it particularly suitable for handbags and purses – don’t expect to see this quality product on clothing like jackets or pants
Some common Saffiano products include:

Laptop bag
Shoulder bag

So what makes this particular handbag type of cross-hatched leather so good? Let’s see together the main advantages of Saffiano leather
Is Saffiano leather durable? You bet
Thanks to its tough waxed finish, Saffiano leather can resist the scratches that naturally occur in everyday use
They are difficult to see when they are slightly worn due to the rough hatched pattern
In addition, the rigid surface does not easily soften even with heavy use

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

The semi-gloss wax prevents most dirt and grime from sticking to the surface in the first place
It would be best if you still cleaned it once in a while, but not every day
Unlike other types of leather, the surface is very easy to clean as no special preparation is required
Leather and water don’t mix well, but Saffiano leather is a bit of an exception
The synthetic wax finish runs small amounts of water directly onto the surface, making it suitable for regular outdoor use
But is Saffiano leather “waterproof”? You still have to protect it from heavy rain
In addition to the attractive hatched texture, Saffiano also has a brilliant sheen
This glamorous aesthetic makes it look very stylish on accessories
Have you ever wondered why Saffiano leather handbags are so popular? Now you know
Pro Tip: No matter how safe the cleaning method is, always test it in an inconspicuous corner first
Even harmless microfiber towels can transfer color to surfaces – the last thing you want to do is inadvertently stain expensive leather goods
Sometimes you will find it difficult to remove the dirt that has accumulated in the grooves between the grains
In this case, choose a wet brush with soft bristles and gently scrub with the particles
Please don’t put too much elbow grease on it because you could accidentally wipe off the gloss
Severe stains may require a commercial stain remover
While industrial cleaners can remove sun stains, they can also damage your expensive leather
Choose from custom-designed Saffiano leather cleaners or compatible products
So is this textured leather type the right choice for you? It depends on what you’re looking for
This premium quality product sits in the domain of small travel and accessories
If you want a slick leather bag that’s durable enough to withstand the stresses of modern living, Saffiano is a solid choice

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

Saffiano leather

Although the sleek Saffiano leather bag looks stylish, the product is not without flaws
Here are the main drawbacks
The first problem is the price
Saffiano leather isn’t cheap, so you’ll be hard-pressed to find it in all but the most high-end stores
Using low-cost types of leather can reduce the price somewhat
Still, high-end Saffiano products can be pricey, regardless of the leather used
While Saffiano is strong enough to resist scratches and abrasions, its surface does not hold up well to sharp objects
You have to watch out for jagged edges, although the same can be said for all leather goods
The cross-hatched design and wax coating of Saffiano leather makes the finish less natural than other types of leather
This glossy synthetic look offsets the earthy aesthetic of leather, which isn’t to everyone’s taste
Although Saffiano leather stands the test of time, it won’t last forever
Over the years, the corners may begin to peel or peel
How quickly this happens depends on the quality of the product and how it is cared for
If you are a leather lover, you may be interested in making Saffiano
What is the exact process for achieving the coveted cross-hatched look? We will perform the four steps below
A comprehensive tanning process is carried out to turn the raw hides into leather and prepare it for commercial use
Although Saffiano leather is not usually dyed, some brands may add their signature color directly to the leather for visual contrast when using a translucent finish
It does not make sense to emboss a cross-hatch pattern on stone-cooled leather because the fibers are not flexible enough for embossing
To detach them, the tanners first heat the material to around 70°C

 Buy All Kinds of Saffiano Leather at the Best Price

Special machines with large metal plates engrave a hatched pattern on the hot leather
Due to the enormous force used by the press, this process does not take long, usually only about 15 seconds
Each surface must be etched using a plate with a textured mirror to achieve the desired effect – the same concept applies when using a die to strike coins
The freshly pressed leather is left to cool before being painted
The most common choice is the ubiquitous wax finish, which protects the surface from damage and imparts its characteristic shine
Some manufacturers add additional layers under the wax to change the color or evoke a specific aesthetic
One such example is the double tone effect, which is quite subtle and difficult to notice from afar
In this case, the tanner uses a solid color on the leather and another color on the raised areas on top of the grain
One of the benefits of saffiano leather is that you don’t need to clean it as often
Like patent leather, a shiny finish will allow dirt just to slide off
However, some dirt will inevitably stick to the surface over time
But don’t worry, because Saffiano is easy to clean
Start with a damp cloth or microfiber towel and gently wipe in straight strokes
Baby wipes also work well

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