Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Regarding the leather Shoes and jackets, one of the most important things is that we have to keep them clean to use them for a long time
So, we would like to have a better introduction about the wax used for the leather products (or made of Suede and Nubuck)
What kind of was is used for better shoe shinning? Which type of wax should be used among leather shoes, jackets, and leather bags? How can we make our leather products WATER-PROOF? What kind of wax should be used for Suede and Nubuck? Is there any other substance that can be used instead of wax for shining and softening?

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Those are the small parts of the question that have been asked every day
We want to make you more familiar with the facts for keeping the leather products better and for a long time
Now we have to reply to the below questions:

Why Do We Have to Polish and Wax the Leather?

Leather products are famous for their lasting, durability, and quality
Among them, shoes’ durability is more important because they are more than the other leather products exposed to damage
On the other side, the existence of dust on your shoes may damage your appearance and make a picture of slut from you

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Leather polishing with wax is a perfect solution for that
Continuous wax makes the leather quality higher and increases your attractiveness, and you may use your leather products for a more extended period
However, for better using wax for your shoes and bags, the two important notes should be considered: -Using a suitable wax for your leather products -Applying the waxing principals

What Are the Contents of the Wax?

The old wax was generally made from oil products
Their use made the leather products oil-like smelling

Which Tools Are Needed to Make the Leather Waxed and Shined?

The first tool is Brush
It is a simple tool to spread the wax on the leather surface
It is better not to use plastic brushes because the wax application is not made correctly and may hurt the leather
The second is Shiner
After the wax spreading gets completed, the Shiner removes the additionally remaining wax from the leather surface and unitizes the color of the leather
For cleaning the Suede and Nubuck, a special Brush is needed
These brushes have two sides: The Jelly side for removing the dust bags and the other side for uniting and tiding the fluffs and acting like a comb

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

The Different Kinds of Wax

First, It should be noted that the leather shoe wax is different from the one applied for the Jacket and bag ones
We get more familiar with its kinds and the way of shining and softening the coats and bags
For the durability and beauty of a shoe, it should be cleaned, cared and protected, and the waxes are produced for these purposes
For cleaning, the critical point is to understand that cleaning is different from stain removal
The stain removal depends on the many cases, like its kind and time, which is out of the case
For cleaning, the use of special foam is recommended
The foam is put on ta sponge, then rub all parts of the shoes, wash the sponge, and make it dehydrated afterward
When the sponge still has very low humidity, the shoe is cleaned to remove the rest of the dirt
For some people waxing is a kind of pleasure because waxing prevents drying the shoe and makes them more attractive

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Regarding the wax color, there are many on the market
The available colors are Brown, hazel, and black
The colorless wax may be used if the needed wax is available
The important notes: -Each wax has its usage
Shoe wax may not be used in jackets and bags
It may cause the color to be a drawback
-The Shoe wax should not be used for Suede and Nubuck
There are exceptional foams and sprays for them, and after use, the Brush is used to make it homogenized
-For each color, a Brush should be used
-Using shoe mold before waxing is recommended
Using a mold helps to preserve the shoe’s shape
If the mold is not available, it is better to use the newspaper to feel in the shoes
Instant Shiner Nowadays, their use is widespread
The reason is apparent
They do not need special tools and consist of a sponge that shines the shoes immediately
There is another type of Instant Shiner, which contains a colorful liquid that replenishes the shoe color, but it should not be used repeatedly because it makes the shoe surface dry, and it is recommended to use a foam after two or three times use
-Shoe size enlarging : Note: It is probable that some parts of the shoes are tight and hurt your feet
To solve this problem, you should use the STRECH form

Taking Care and Cleaning of Nubuck and Suede

After cleaning and waxing the shoes, this is the time of care
We have to know the Nebuk and Suede enemies
Direct sunlight and Alcohol Exposure can be harmful

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Shining the Leather Bags and Jackets

If there is no special spray, using a small amount of Vaseline is recommended
While doing this, there should not be any stain on the surface
One common question:

Why Are My Shoes Not Polished?

There are some reasons for that
For example, the Brush may not be standard, using the sponge instead of Shiner, and there is dust on the Shoe surface

 Buying Natural Leather Shoes for men + best price

Our company has been dealing with the different kinds of leather and leather products for a long time and will be happy to reply to your questions

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