can you wash leather shoes in the washing machine?

Can you wash white shoes made from leather in the washing machine?

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Everyone has been there. You buy a new pair of leather shoes and wear them a few times before you realize they look a little dirty. What do you do? Can dirty leather shoes be washed in the washing machine?

The heat and agitation of the washing machine is incompatible with leather shoes as it can damage the material. Shoes made of leather should be hand washed with a damp cloth and saddle soap or mild soap or polished with shoe polish.

If your leather shoes are really dirty, you can have them cleaned by a professional. Professional cleaners have special chemicals and equipment needed to remove dirt and grime from shoes without damaging the leather.

In the rest of this article, I will explain what happens when leather shoes are washed in a washing machine.

I’ll also show you the most effective alternatives to cleaning leather shoes so you don’t ruin your favorite leather shoes.

What happens when you wash leather shoes in the car?

If you decide to wash your leather shoes in the washing machine, you will face many problems. Some of the most common problems are listed below.

Leather shoes that wrinkle

When you wash leather shoes in the washing machine, one of the first things you notice is that the leather can wrinkle.

This is because leather stretches when wet and contracts when dry, causing wrinkles.

When this happens, leather shoe wrinkles are often difficult to remove.

This is because while leather as a material holds its shape well, it also loses its shape and wrinkle when wet.

So, if you don’t want your leather shoes to have ugly creases, you shouldn’t wash them in the washing machine.

The color of leather shoes may fade

When you wash your leather shoes in the washing machine, the natural oils and dyes used to color the leather can be removed.

This means that the original color of your leather shoes will fade over time, making them look old and worn.

Most leathers are dyed with chemical dyes that are very sensitive to water. As a result, when the leather gets wet with water, it loses some of its color and makes the shoe dull.

If you want to prevent this from happening, you should avoid washing your leather shoes in the washing machine.

Leather shoes are pulled.

Also, when leather shoes are washed in the washing machine, the leather is stretched and does not return to its original size.

After a few minutes of soaking in water, the leather becomes more flexible and softer. It stretches and loses its shape.

Therefore, after washing your leather shoes in the washing machine, you may notice that your leather shoes have become wider.

When this happens, it can be difficult to repair and your only option may be to buy a new pair of leather shoes, which I’m sure you want to avoid.

Leather soles may come off

Typically, leather shoes are made using glue or other strong adhesives. When these adhesives are exposed to water, the leather parts of the shoe, such as the sole, do not hold together well.

Therefore, if you wash your leather shoes in the washing machine, the glue may break and the soles will no longer be able to stick together.

While this may be easy to fix, you may not have the same quality as before.

For example, most manufacturers use machines and other equipment to apply glue and attach shoe soles.

If you try to do this by hand, the results may be poor and your leather shoes may crack.

To avoid this, you should avoid washing leather shoes in the washing machine.

Leather shoes absorb more water.

One of the biggest problems with washing leather shoes in a washing machine is the increased possibility of water damage to the leather.

By water damage, I mean water seeps into the leather and soaks into it. Then the water can damage the leather material and leave stains.

This is because when leather shoes are washed in the washing machine, a lot of water is splashed around.

This is especially true if you use the washing machine to wash leather shoes with other clothes.

If you want to prevent water damage to your leather shoes, you should avoid washing them in the washing machine.

Leather shoes will wear out.

This may or may not have been mentioned, but let me reiterate: washing leather shoes in the washing machine will not return them to their original condition.

When you wash leather shoes in the washing machine, they are likely to lose their natural shape.

This is because even if the leather is exposed to water for a few seconds, it will begin to swell and swell.

So after you wash your shoes in the washing machine, they can’t go back to their original state.

The worst case scenario is that your leather shoes will change shape after being washed in the washing machine. Therefore, washing leather shoes with a washing machine is not recommended.

Leather shoes are harder.

The hardening of leather shoes is the result of washing in the washing machine.

When leather shoes are soaked in water, the natural oils in the leather fibers are released, causing the leather to stiffen as it dries.

This means that even if your leather shoes don’t lose their shape, color, or any of the previously mentioned consequences, they may become stiff.

Worst of all, it can also cause the shoe to crack and eventually break. Once this happens, there is no turning back, as it is often difficult to correct.

Therefore, if you want to avoid this big problem, you should avoid washing leather shoes in the washing machine.

Now that you know the negative effects of washing your leather shoes, you may be wondering if there are other ways to clean leather shoes.

The good news is that there are other options than washing leather shoes in the washing machine.

leather shoes in the washing machine

It is not a good idea to put your leather shoes in the machine as I already mentioned so here is the Best Alternative to Machine-Washing Leather Shoes:

Items needed:

  • Journal or towel
  • Shoe brush or towel
  • Saddle soap or mild dish soap
  • Microfiber cloth
  • leather protector


Step 1:

It’s a good idea to keep newspaper or towels in the area where you’re working to make cleaning easier.

Step 2:

First, remove your leather shoelaces.

This will ensure that soap or polish residue does not damage the laces.

leather shoes in the washing machine

If they get dirty, you can also use this time to wash them. Laces can be washed in the washing machine.

Step 3:

Use a shoe brush or cloth to remove any dirt, dust or debris from the surface of your leather shoes.

This helps prepare the surface for cleaning and makes it easier to apply soap or polish.

Step 4:

Then wash your shoes with soap to remove stubborn stains.

You can use a soft brush with a lather of saddle soap or mild dish soap, then run it in a circular motion around the outside of the shoe to remove any stains or dirt.

If soap doesn’t work or your shoes are very dirty, you may need to use a harsher cleaner such as leather cleaner or a special shoe cleaning solution.

In any case, avoid getting leather shoes wet.

Use only soapy water to clean leather shoes.

If you use a professionally formulated leather cleaner such as Chemical Guys or Leather Honey cleaners, you should follow the cleaning instructions for best results.

Step 5: After washing the leather shoes, wipe off the soap residue with a damp microfiber cloth.


Dry the outside of the shoe with a microfiber cloth.

leather shoes in the washing machine

Step 6:

Insert the shoe bases and let the shoes dry.

If you don’t have shoelaces, wrap your shoes in brown paper or a dry cloth.

Do not use sunlight, radiator or hair dryer to dry leather shoes.

Allow the shoes to dry for 30-60 minutes.

Step 7:

After the shoes are dry, use a leather softener.

It restores the leather’s natural oils and protects it from the weather.

Apply several layers for extra shine.

Step 8:

Once you are satisfied with the results, allow the shoe to air dry overnight.

Change your shoelaces the next morning, ready to compliment.

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