Genuine Leather and Synthetic Leather Shoes + best buy price

Genuine Leather and Synthetic Leather Shoes + best buy price

This is not a new question at least not for people who are working in leather industry
Most of people always ask to know which one is better genuine leather or synthetic leather not only for shoes but also for other product such as bags, belts, jacket and so on
The truth is that there are pros and cons for both groups
In fact, the right choice depends on which of them is on your priority and what materials are available for you
In this article, we are going to talk about what you need to consider when buying leather and make it clear what the differences are between natural and artificial leather
Maybe the main difference between these two is genuine leather is made from real animals skins and such as cows, pigs and buffaloes while synthetic leather is made from plastic materials which are colored by using wax, resin and chemical materials
However, the most important difference between them is that the genuine leather is unique
No two pieces of natural leather are the same
Each of them may have characteristics, which refer to their origin, but they are not the same
For instance, the stretch marks, wounds, and vein lines on the leather can show that it is cowhide
These characteristics not only make it beautiful but also help genuine leather to be distinct
On the other hand, synthetic leather is uniform in appearance
In despite of trying to look natural, it is easy to determine them
Since its pores are created artificially

 Genuine Leather and Synthetic Leather Shoes + best buy price

Another advantage of natural leather is its durability
It can last for years and even seem better after years of using while synthetic leather start peeling after sometime
That is why their prices are completely different and you can buy the same product made from synthetic leather at lower prices

Synthetic Leather Shoes Pros and Cons

We talked about the main differences between genuine leather and synthetic leather, now we are going to learn the advantages and disadvantages of using them in producing footwear
To do so, there are several features and points, which have to be considered such as breathability, durability, comfort, flexibility, pricing, visual appearance and so on
In this passage, we want to make a comparison between shoes made from natural leather and shoes made from synthetic materials base on some point, which mentioned above
Genuine leather footwear due to the natural pores of its materials are highly breathable while synthetic ones causes your feet sweat so much after a short period of time particularly in summer
Consequently, it may bother you and make your feet smell bad especially when you have a sensitive skin
Although natural leather shoes are very durable and last a long time, synthetic ones can be less durable and start peeling or being damaged simply
Sometimes, your leather shoes are not ruined and you just get tired of using them
That is one of the reasons you have to pay more for them

 Genuine Leather and Synthetic Leather Shoes + best buy price

Genuine leather shoes are more comfortable duo to their nature and you can wear them for long hours in a day while synthetic ones duo to their inflexibility and their materials are not comfortable enough to wear continuously all day long
The last feature to consider here is the final price, which can be a deciding factor as well
Both of these groups have the same production process and the only difference is the costs of raw materials, which in this case genuine leather is too expensive in comparison to synthetic one
Based on what mentioned above, it is proved that genuine leather shoes, in many aspects, are miles ahead of their competitors in the market as well as the real life unless the price is too important to the customer

Synthetic Leather Is Durable

After talking about the features and advantages of genuine leather, you ask whether synthetic leather is durable or not
The answer is yes but it depends on what you are comparing it
In comparison to fabric or cotton, synthetic leather are very durable
Considering the lifetime of cotton shoes or fabric car seat covers, it is clear that synthetic leather is a better choice
When it comes to natural leather, synthetic one has nothing to say except for its reasonable price
In addition to the justified price, some people have another reason to use or buy synthetic leather products
Actually, they are animal right defenders
They believe that using synthetic leather can help the nature and save animals lives
However, both of these groups have their market position and their customers
In fact, the important thing is their usages and the customer’s expectations

 Genuine Leather and Synthetic Leather Shoes + best buy price

Synthetic vs Leather Shoes

There is no doubt genuine leather products have a longer life in comparison to synthetic ones
Beside they are more stylish and considered as luxury products
No matter you decide to buy shoes or bags, leather ones are always better choices unless you want to spend less money or you are of those customers who prefer to change their styles regularly
If it is so, we recommend you to look for high-level synthetic ones those their quality are almost equal to genuine leather
Because some synthetic leather are so good that you cannot make a difference between them and natural leather
Moreover, it is going to be hard to distinguish natural leather from artificial leather and sometime the only way is to trust the sales person or the producer
Our holding company is honored to work closely with strong manufacturer from all around the word
Working at international markets, we got familiar with different tastes and interests
High quality leather is our first principle and reasonable prices is the second
We can also provide the customers with high quality synthetic products if they order
It is up to you, we just try to give our technical advices to our customers then do our best to offer them what they are looking for exactly

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