How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

The critical point to increasing your shoes’ lifetime, particularly your natural leather ones, is to clean them regularly and protect them effectively from any possible damage
Shoes have been used for many years and have an essential role in demonstrating our characters
In addition to having shiny shoes, we can show how much we value our style and ourselves by taking care of our leather shoes regularly and punctually
To do so, you need to get more familiar with the characteristics and features of natural leather
The things, which can destroy genuine leather, and the things which can make its appearance better
In this article, we try to explain what to consider and what to do to have well-shaped and shiny shoes

 How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

The first point to consider is where you keep your shoes while you do not use them
Since they should keep them away from dust, humidity, and direct sunlight
The features of a good shoe rack and how we should manage to use our shoes are related issues to consider
The second point is how you have to learn to maintain your shoes and how you should behave them while using, cleaning and polishing
What the differences are between cleaning different types of leather shoes
How we can wipe stains off shoes and other points to consider to protect your shoes
In the following, we try to expand on these points briefly

How to Condition Leather Shoes at Home

Almost everybody knows how to take care of their leather shoes
You need to condition them regularly, but it is not that easy
Doing so at home, you should consider some essential points
The main problem here is that it may make your house dirty
Before doing anything, it is better to use some newspapers to cover the floor so that you are not obliged to remove the base from stains
Then use a soft brush to remove the dust and stains

 How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

Make it a little wet if it needs
Make sure that your shoes are completely dry
Now it is time to polish them
It is much better to use solid shoe wax instead of liquid ones because they may damage your shoes
Some leather producers recommend using oil baby or homemade sour lemon mix before wax and polish
They believe it can help them look shiny
As I mentioned above, the place where you keep your shoes is also essential
Shoe storage cabinets are better since they keep the shoes out of sight
Besides, they can keep them away from dust and sunlight as well
Do not put your daily shoes together with the shoes you use on special occasions
Put your shoes in their boxes if they are available
Please do not put them in the shoe rack right after arriving home
They may be humid on the inside, which causes damage to them in the long term
As the last point, put some paper inside them if you rarely wear them
It helps them remain in good shape
Considering these simple points, you can reduce your costs and enjoy wearing well-shaped shiny shoes

How to Care For Soft Leather Shoes

Natural leather, duo to its origin, is a type of skin and needs to take care of as your skin does
Soft leather is more sensitive, and you need to know how to maintain them if you have shoes made from this material
You need to clean and moisturize them if you want them to look well
To do so, you have to consider these steps
You must regularly clean them, condition them, polish them, and protect them
A horsehair brush is an excellent choice to make them clean, and if you want to clean them intensely, a saddle soup is needed
It is better to remove laces to wash them separately
Now, it is time to condition
The upper sides of the shoes have to be applied with a shoe conditioner
Then you can use a soft cloth to sweep the shoes
It is better to use color-matched cream if there is any scratch on your shoes
In the end, use a clean, soft cloth to buff them

 How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

The last step is to polish them
Again, a horsehair brush can help you but try to do it in a circular movement
Buff them again and if you like extra shine, do this constantly
All these steps are almost for all kinds of leather shoes, not just soft leather shoes
Doing so perfectly, you can even make your old shoes look like they are new
It would help if you were more careful in the case of soft leather shoes
Follow these steps every six wears and make them clean every time
Do not wear them on rainy days and forget that if you put on the same cloth every day, you can wear the same shoes every day

How to Care for New Leather Shoes

Buying new leather shoes may be a common concern for us to know how to care for them
As mentioned above, using them correctly, cleaning, and polishing regularly are the most critical keys to increasing the lifetime of your shoes
The only left point is that it is better to have more than one shoes at the same time if it is possible
Since different occasions or different situations need a different type of shoes
You can play football with boots or go running in oxford shoes

 How to Protect Natural Leather Shoes

Using suitable shoes at the right situation not only increases the lifetime of them but also make you feel better and do better
Do not forget to buy your shoes from reliable stores and corporations, which can provide you with different collections of high-quality leather shoes
Having a great experience in the leather industry, we are honored to cooperate with different leather shoe producers from different countries around the world and can help you find the best possible choice
To care for new shoes you need to care for your money at first

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